Brain DI Lab 7 ways to activate the right side of your brain

 Brain DI Lab

The brain of the human being is the most sophisticated organ we know. It is the heart of the nervous system. The brain controls everything, from heart pumping to thoughts about self, and everything in between. It is divided into the left and right cerebral hemispheres. Each hemisphere can be further divided into four different lobes: the temporal, frontal, parietal and occipital. While the functions of both cerebral hemispheres may be similar, they have different functions. Your left body is controlled by the right hemisphere. It is creative and spontaneous, and it deals with all emotions and feelings. The left hemisphere, which is your logical side, makes you more analytical and rational.


People are often dominant on one side, and this determines everything. People who are creative tend to have a dominant right side brain, while people who are organized and disciplined have a dominant left side brain. Because the brain behaves as a muscle, it is often called “the brain”. You can make it better by working on it more. It is possible to balance your dominant side by improving the other. You can achieve this by engaging in activities that target certain brain hemispheres. How can one do this? Many brain exercises can be used to enhance the brain’s ability, and achieve a left-right balance. These simple exercises are easy to follow.

1 Take the Stroop test

This test, named after American psychologist John Ridley Stroop will evaluate the brain’s ability to work together. You can use different colors to create different names. Now read the names of the colors, but not the words.

2 Try Juggling

Once you begin practicing, your hand-eye coordination will improve dramatically. Throw the ball with your less dominant hand to make it more difficult.

3: Learn a new skill

Learn a new language, or a musical instrument. This will change the way your left brain functions.

4) Use the lazy limb

Your less dominant limbs can help you do your daily chores. If you’re right-handed, you can use left-hand writing. If you’re right-footed, you can play football with your left leg.

5) Play mind-games

These mental exercises can even impact your personality. The variety of games available online will provide you with the motivation to get started, from simple crossword puzzles to complex online games.

6) Solving Math Problems

You can solve math problems fast and in different ways every time. You will need more ideas to solve complex problems. This will allow you to make stronger connections between the two sides of your brain.

7) Mind mapping

This is a slow process. To maximize your potential, use both the left- and right-sides. To increase the right brain activity, make sure you use your imagination when creating a mind map. To improve left-brain activity, mark your map using words.

Although these 7 brain exercises seem simple, patience is required. It is unlikely that you will see dramatic changes overnight. You will begin to notice the changes over time. You should be analyzing yourself often. Take aptitude tests or online IQ tests. Take a look at the results to see the changes.


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